#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2018 The Regents of the University of California # This file is part of Qbox # # qbox_move_subsample.py: create a qbox input file moving atoms to the positions # of iterations of a simulation subsampled every "interval" number of steps # Each set of moves is followed by a command cmd given as an argument # # use: qbox_move_subsample.py interval cmd {file|URL} import os.path import xml.sax import sys import urllib2 def usage(): print "use: ",sys.argv[0]," interval cmd {file|URL}" sys.exit() argc=len(sys.argv) if ( argc != 4 ): usage() interval = int(sys.argv[1]) cmd = sys.argv[2] input_source = sys.argv[3] # Qbox output handler to extract and process data class QboxOutputHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): self.step = 0 self.inAtomset = 0 self.inAtom = 0 self.inPosition = 0 def startElement(self, name, attributes): if name == "atomset": self.tau=[] self.atomname=[] self.inAtomset = 1 elif (name == "unit_cell") & self.inAtomset: self.cell_a = attributes["a"] self.cell_b = attributes["b"] self.cell_c = attributes["c"] elif (name == "atom") & self.inAtomset: self.atomname.append(attributes["name"]) self.inAtom = 1 elif (name == "position") & self.inAtom: self.buffer = "" self.inPosition = 1 def characters(self, data): if self.inPosition: self.buffer += data def endElement(self, name): if (name == "atom") and self.inAtomset: self.inAtom = 0 if (name == "position") & self.inAtom: pos = self.buffer.split() self.tau.append([pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]]) self.inPosition = 0 elif name == "atomset": self.step += 1 if ( self.step % interval == 0 ): print "#",input_source,"iteration",self.step avec = self.cell_a.split() bvec = self.cell_b.split() cvec = self.cell_c.split() print "set cell ",avec[0],avec[1],avec[2],\ bvec[0],bvec[1],bvec[2],\ cvec[0],cvec[1],cvec[2] for i in range(len(self.tau)): print "move ",self.atomname[i]," to ",\ self.tau[i][0],self.tau[i][1],self.tau[i][2] print cmd self.inAtomset = 0 parser = xml.sax.make_parser() handler = QboxOutputHandler() parser.setContentHandler(handler) # test if input_source is a local file # if not, process as a URL if ( os.path.isfile(input_source) ): file = open(input_source) s = file.read(8192) while ( s !="" ): parser.feed(s) s = file.read(8192) file.close() else: # attempt to open as a URL try: f = urllib2.urlopen(input_source) s = f.read(8192) while ( s !="" ): parser.feed(s) s = f.read(8192) f.close() except (ValueError,urllib2.HTTPError) as e: print e sys.exit() parser.reset()